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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<HTMLWidget> is the top level element which all other elements will be a child of. It contains the attributes for the widget as a whole.

A very simple calculator. Defaults and some styling can be configured within Muse. Text styling can be applied within Muse. Website visitors can add, subtract, multiply or divide 2 numbers.

<HTMLWidget name="Calculator" formatNumber="1"  localization="none" creator="Adobe Muse Team" minWidth="80" defaultWidth="400" defaultHeight="50">

borderSize is the thickness of the border applied to the editboxes

		<number name="borderSize" label="Edit field Border:" min="0" max="9999" snap="1" step="1" defaultValue="2"/>

editWidth is the width of the editboxes

		<number name="editWidth" label="Edit field Width:" min="10" max="9999" snap="1" step="1" defaultValue="80"/>

margin controls the space between the editboxes

		<number name="margin" label="Space between:" min="1" max="9999" defaultValue="10"/>

input1default sets the default value for the first edit field

		<number name="input1default" label="First default value:" min="-9999999" max="99999999" snap="0.0001" defaultValue="5"/>

input2default sets the default value for the second edit field

		<number name="input2default" label="Second default value:" min="-9999999" max="99999999" snap="0.0001" defaultValue="10"/>

borderColor sets the color of the border of the edit fields. Note the use of 'inherit' as one option, which inherits the stroke color set by the user on the page item in Muse.

		<list name="borderColor" label="Edit Field Border Color:" defaultValue="#000">
			<value name="inherit" label="Use Muse Stroke Color"/>
			<value name="#FFF" label="White"/>
			<value name="#000" label="Black"/>
			<value name="#444" label="Dark Grey"/>
			<value name="#999" label="Light Grey"/>
			<value name="#F00" label="Red"/>
			<value name="#0F0" label="Green"/>
			<value name="#00F" label="Blue"/>
			<value name="#FF0" label="Yellow"/>
			<value name="#0FF" label="Cyan"/>
			<value name="#FA0" label="Orange"/>
			<value name="#F0F" label="Purple"/>

width is the width of the pageitem within Muse

		<builtIn name="width"/>

height is the height of the pageitem within Muse

		<builtIn name="height"/>

itemUID is the unique ID for this page item. It can be used as a CSS selector to limit CSS styling to just this widget.

		<builtIn name="itemUID"/>

headHTML is HTML which will be injected into the tag by Muse during output. This widget includes some CSS styling in the , targetted to just the elements inside this widget.

#{param_itemUID} form { display:block; width:{param_width}px; height:{param_height}px; border-color:inherit;}
#{param_itemUID} .addRightMargin {  margin-right:{param_margin}px}
#{param_itemUID} .calcInput { border-width:{param_borderSize}px; width:{param_editWidth}px; border-color:{param_borderColor};}
#{param_itemUID} .calcButton { border-width:2px; width:40px;}

pageItemHTML is HTML which will be output by Muse wherever the page item is positioned by the user. In this case, the HTML contains a simple form with 2 edit fields, a dropdown to choose the operator, and a button to do the calculation.

<form name="calcForm{param_itemUID}">
	<input class ="calcInput addRightMargin" type="text" name="input1" value="{param_input1default}">
	<select class="addRightMargin" name="operatorMenu">
		<option value="+">+</option>
		<option value="-">-</option>
		<option value="/">/</option>
		<option value="*">*</option>
	<input class ="calcInput addRightMargin" type="text" name="input2" value="{param_input2default}">
	<input class ="calcButton addRightMargin" type="button" name="doEquals"  value="  =  " onClick="calcForm{param_itemUID}.resultField.value = eval(calcForm{param_itemUID}.input1.value + calcForm{param_itemUID}.operatorMenu.value + calcForm{param_itemUID}.input2.value)">
	<input class ="calcInput" type="text" name="resultField">