<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
is the top level element which all other elements
will be a child of. It contains the attributes for the widget as
a whole.
This widget lists the values for all the current builtIn mucow parameters.
<HTMLWidget name="kBuiltIn" formatNumber="1" localization="stringTable" creator="Adobe Muse Team" defaultWidth="250" defaultHeight="200" minWidth="40" minHeight="25" maxWidth="900" maxHeight="500">
is the url entered by the user, or the URL for the page this item is on. The UI provides a checkbox for the user to pick which one.
<url name="someURL" currentPageOrURL="true" label="kURLLabel" defaultValue="www.adobe.com"/>
is the width of this page item within Muse
<builtIn name="width"/>
is the height of this page item within Muse
<builtIn name="height"/>
is the id for the page item the will contain the
<builtIn name="itemUID"/>
is an ID unique to the Muse site
<builtIn name="siteUID"/>
is the character code for the language of the current Muse document (e.g. en, fr, es)
<builtIn name="language" supportedLanguages="en,fr,ja,es,de,it,pt,ko,tr,ru,nl,no,sv,fi,da,cs"/>
is the country code for the current Muse document (e.g. US, FR, JP)
<builtIn name="country"/>
is the language and country code for the current Muse document (e.g. en_US, fr_FR, es_ES)
<builtIn name="locale" supportedLocales="cs_CZ,da_DK,de_DE,en_GB,en_US,es_ES,fi_FI,fr_FR,it_IT,ja_JP,nb_NO,ru_RU,tr_TR"/>
The div for this page item will have an id assigned which is something like u345. This CSS selector targets all the ul and li elements inside the root div for this page item. If the page item is assigned id u345 by Muse, this CSS will target #u345 ul and #u345 li elements. We have to add the list-style-type because Muse has some default CSS styling for ul and li elements which removes the list-style-type. We also set the list-style-position to inside so that the preview in Muse includes the list bullets.
#{param_itemUID} ul { list-style-position:inside; list-style-type:disc; }
#{param_itemUID} li { list-style-position:inside; list-style-type:disc; }
is the HTML code which will be output by Muse wherever this page item is positioned by the Muse user.
<p><b>Built In Parameters</b></p>
<li> <b>URL:</b> {param_someURL}
<li> <b>Page item Width:</b> {param_width}
<li> <b>Page item Height:</b> {param_height}
<li> <b>Item UID:</b> {param_itemUID}
<li> <b>Site UID:</b> {param_siteUID}
<li> <b>Language Code:</b> {param_language}
<li> <b>Locale Code:</b> {param_locale}
<li> <b>Country Code:</b> {param_country}
is used for localization when the localization parameter on the HTMLWidget element is set to stringtable
<locale name="en_US">
<string keyString="kBuiltIn" translation="Built In Parameter"/>
<string keyString="kURLLabel" translation="Some URL:"/>
<locale name="fr_FR">
<string keyString="kBuiltIn" translation="Le Built In Paraméter"/>
<string keyString="kURLLabel" translation="Quelque URL: "/>